
Nautilus Solutions MAKO innovative technology for Rowing and Canoeing


MAKO performance technology is designed specifically for Rowing and Sprint Canoe/Kayak. Combined with Nautilus Solutions software, it provides the coach and athlete integrated GPS and inertial performance data

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  • 20 Hz, position and velocity data.
  • 100 Hz, acceleration and gyro (roll, yaw and pitch) data.
  • GPS and Inertial data time synchronised.
  • Data output to a single CSV file allowing easy integration into custom software or import into Excel.
  • Integrated Boat Plate system, allowing easy movement or units between different boats, no longer requiring velcro and plastic containers.

MAKO Specifications


Combined GPS/Inertial measurement

Update rates

20 Hz GPS and 100 Hz IMU

Battery life

8 hours

Data storage

20 (4 hour files), rolling file structure

Data download

NxRouter or Individual unit hot spot mode

Battery charging



Made in Australia

Unit dimensions

XX x XXX x XX mm (L, W, H)
240 grams